Kenapa harus jalan?

Pernahkah mendengar kalau orang mau lebih nasionalis harus sering jalan-jalan? Pasti sering kan? Kalau kamu seorang yang suka jalan atau seorang traveler, kamu pasti tahu yang kumaksud. Tapi, kalau kamu yang jarang jalan atau bahkan tidak pernah jalan, nah di tulisan ini aku akan ngajak kamu sedikit mikir, kenapa orang yang sering jalan-jalan biasanya lebih nasionalis.  

Kemana kita harus jalan-jalan agar bisa lebih nasionalis, lebih mencintai negeri ini? Ada dua pandangan yang berbeda dan saling melengkapi. Apa perlu keliling Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari kota metropolis Medan, Jakarta hingga ke pedalaman Papua sana? Ataukah, kamu perlu berjalan lebih jauh ke mancanegara, menjelajah negeri orang yang kadang tak kita pahami bahasanya dan asing rasa makanannya, mulai dari metropolitan dunia seperti New York, Tokyo, Paris hingga negeri antah berantah di jantung gurun-gurun negeri Afrika sana? Well, apa pendapat kamu teman? 

Aku, meski tidak seluruhnya, beruntung pernah melakukan keduanya. Aku pernah beberapa kali jalan-jalan (atau lebih tepatnya kerja) di jauh-jauh pedalaman Sumatra, Kalimantan hingga Sulawesi sana. (Ah,aku belum berkesempatan ke Papua) Aku pun beruntung sempat menjelajah (kerja juga) di negeri Paman Sam yang termahsyur itu dan sekedar berjalan-jalan di beberapa negara tetangga Asia. Apa yang kudapat kemudian? Nasionalisme kah? Mungkin iya jika rasa cinta ini disebut demikian. Tapi ada rasa yang beda antara keduanya meski berujung pada satu cinta pada Ibu pertiwi, pada sang Mother land.

Meskipun beberapa kalipun aku jalan-jalan di Indonesia, aku selalu saja terkejut dan menemukan hal-hal baru. Seperti waktu itu, aku jalan ke daerah Simpang Hilir, sebuah kecamatan cukup terpencil di Kalimantan Barat. Di salah satu desanya, aku tinggal lebih dari seminggu, menginap di rumah penduduknya. Desa yang berada di antara perkebunan sawit luas dan hutan tropis Kalimantan yang terlihat lebat, aku menyadari bahwa banyak hal yang selama ini tidak kuketahui tentang tanah yang katanya adalah tumpah darahku ini. Tidak hanya keindahan alam yang mempesona tapi juga kenyataan yang tidak seindah poster wisata. Aku melihat sendiri betapa negeri yang katanya gemah ripah loh jinawi ini tidak selamanya indah. Selalu ada cerita sedih di sela-selanya. Kerusakan lingkungan dan kisah sedih penduduknya seakan memberiku gambaran lain akan negeri ini yang tak akan kutahu jika aku tak merasanya sendiri. Aku sempat menuliskan kegalauanku akan hal itu di tulisan ini (klik: Batu Barat dan Melinsum). 

Tak hanya cerita pilu, cerita indahpun masih banyak kutemui. Suatu waktu, aku sempat berjalan-jalan ke Lembah Bada, suatu lembah hijau nan indah yang dikelilingi bukit dan gunung di tengah-tengah Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah. Di sana, aku menemukan wajah lain dari Indonesia. Sumpah, pertama kali ke sana, aku benar-benar merasa terpesona. Bagaimana tidak! Di dalam komunitas yang masih menjunjung tinggi adatnya ini, aku merasa bagai di negeri antah-berantah namun masih berasa di rumah. Ya, di sini, masyarakat adat Bada memiliki banyak tradisi unik, bahasa yang beda dan tentunya keramah-tamahan khas negeri kita tercinta. Meskipun di Poso sering terdengar berita kerusuhannya, tapi di Bada semua begitu berbeda. Orang-orang di sini hidup damai berdampingan satu sama lain dan mereka sangat terbuka terhadap kedatangan tamu dari luar. Ah, pokoknya aku betah banget di sini. Langit biru Bada bahkan menginspirasi menulis sebuah puisi cinta untuknya, coba cek ini (klik: Langit Bada). Segala keunikan ini seakan membuatku semakin bangga menjadi bagian dari tanah air ini. 

Aku dan anak-anak di Batu Barat, Simpang Hilir, Kalbar (2013)
Alam Bada yang indah dan langit birunya yang memukau (2013)

Setelah sekian kali aku berjalan-jalan di tanah air, aku pun berkesempatan menginjak tanah di benua seberang. Amerika adalah salah satu negara di mana aku sempat selama 7 bulan mencoba menggaulinya. Apa yang kudapatkan? Semua serba wow! Wajar saja, negeri Paman Sam ini konon adalah negeri paling kuat sedunia, Superpower katanya. Iya memang! Di Amerika, aku menemukan banyak hal baru, suasana baru dan temuan-temuan baru. Masyarakat yang lebih perlente, kota yang lebih besar, gedung-gedung tinggi yang lebih megah, jalan-jalan yang lebih bersih dan teknologi yang lebih canggih. Hampir semua yang lebih ini dan itu aku jumpai di sini. Tapi, apakah aku lebih suka tinggal di sini? Ah, jujur saja iya. Siapa sih yang tidak ingin tinggal lebih nyaman dalam lingkungan yang lebih rapih? Tapi apa iya cukup sedemikian halnya?

Ternyata tidak selalu demikian. Semakin jauh dengan kampung halaman malah membuatku semakin memikirkannya. Huru-hara di negeri tercinta yang kadang tak pernah terjamah meski hanya sekedar lewat berita, malah kucari-cari dari negeri yang jauh di sana. Apa yang terjadi dengan rumah ya? Bagaimana orang sini memandang Indonesia? Bagaimana ini dan itu segala rupa tentang rumah jadi ingin kuketahui. Segala rupa tentang Indonesia yang dibahas di luar sana selalu ingin membuatku berkata, “That’s my home country and it’s very beautiful! I am Indonesian!”. Di setiap kesempatan, aku selalu menyampaikan betapa negeri kepulauan tropis terbesar di dunia itu adalah rumahku, kampungku, dan ibu pertiwiku. Kadang aku merasa aneh juga. Ketika di rumah sendiri kadang aku merasa kesal dengan segala rupa masalahnya, namun di luar sana aku selalu membanggakan tanah airku. Ah,.. memang benar ya. Kadang jarak itu penting untuk membuat kita menyadari betapa berharganya apa yang kita miliki. Begitu pula negeri ini. Kita bisa saja menjadi sangat mencintainya, merindukannya ketika kita jauh darinya. Kalau kamu gak percaya, coba saja! Dan rasakan, betapa hanya Indonesia tempatmu untuk pulang kembali. Bahkan sambal terasi pun akan membuatmu rindu setengah mati.

Di tengah rimba Redwood di California pun aku ingat rumah (2014)
Melihat di seberang Sungai Sumida, Tokyo Skytree yang termahsyur pun
aku masih ingat rumah :)

"That Indonesia is my beloved home country!", I said. (Oregon, 2014)

Banyak hal yang bisa kita temui jika sering jalan-jalan. Cinta pada negeri salah satunya. Entah itu di dalam negeri atau di luar negeri, semua akan membuat kamu mencintainya, mungkin dari sisi yang berbeda. Ya, memang demikian karena wujud cinta bisa berupa apa saja dan datang dari mana saja. Makanya, sering jalan-jalanlah. Temukan diri sendiri, temukan dunia, dan temukan cinta pada rumah kita. 

Damn, I love Indonesia!

Sambil berkaca-kaca, mengingat kembali suatu musim gugur di benua seberang sambil bersenandung rindu,...

“...Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh, tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanahku yang kucintai, Engkau kuhargai

...Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani
Yang mahsyur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku, di sanalah ku rasa senang

Tanahku tak kulupakan, Engkau kubanggakan.”

(Tanah Airku - Ibu Soed)

- Tulisan ini disertakan dalam lomba 'jalan-jalan nasionalisme' yang diadakan Travel On Wego Indonesia- 

Kampung Halamanku, Boyolali di Kaki Merapi-Merbabu yang selalu kurindu 

Kenapa sih orang traveling? Kenapa orang harus meninggalkan zona nyamannya? Kenapa juga orang harus melihat dunia  luar yang mungkin asing dan tidak menyenangkan? Apa kamu hobi traveling? Yah, kalau kamu sudah punya hobi itu, maka tidak akan sulit untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas. 

Atau mungkin sebaliknya jika kamu anak rumahan, mungkin akan sedikit sulit mengerti bagaimana juga menjawabnya. Traveling bukanlah sesederhana jalan-jalan atau plesiran ke tempat-tempat wisata. Traveling adalah satu esensi di manusia yang musti kudu dilakukan. Kenapa? Karena manusia itu tidak diciptakan di satu tempat untuk menjadi lengkap. Dia harus mencari pecahan-pecahan, bagian dari dirinya di seluruh dunia. Selama dia hidup dan seterusnya begitu. Seperti juga jodoh, tidak diciptakan langsung di dekat kita. Kita harus menempuh perjalanan untuk mengetahuinya. 

Traveling juga begitu, kita bisa ketemu diri kita hanya kita mencarinya. Tapi, untuk menemukan apa yang dicari, tak semua orang berani. Kenyamanan telah menjadi belenggu yang mematikan gerak dan nyali. Kenapa? Apa orang belum bisa dikatakan lengkap dengan dirinya sendiri? Bukan begitu juga. Yang terpenting sebenarnya adalah perkembangan diri. Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan itu yang dimaksud dengan pecahan diri. 

Tak akan puas seseorang mencari apa yang dicarinya. Kepuasan itu hanya bisa dicari jika kita berjalan. Ujung-ujungnya orang mencintai pencarian daripada apa yang dicari. Orang menyukai traveling dibanding destinasinya. Orang lebih suka rebutannya dibanding permen yang direbutkannya. Kesenangan, adrenalin, kepuasan batin, itulah yang paling aku suka saat traveling. Berapapun biayanya, apapun resikonya, berapapun lamanya, traveling seakan tak terasa menuntut satupun itu. Bahagia tanpa syarat. Hahaha.. Karena itulah aku suka hidup, mencintai kehidupan. Karena di situlah aku bisa terus berjalan dan menempuh perjalanan. 

Let's go on a travel guys!

(Tulisan 10 menit ngacak lagi nih. Mikir tema traveling tapi malah lari kemana-mana. Hehehe... )

The poster of TNR

Title : Tenno No Ryoriban / The Emperor's Cook
Genre : human drama, romance, biography
Episode : 12
Broadcast time : Spring 2015
Theme song : Yume Miru Hito by Masashi Sada

Sato Takeru as Akiyama Tokuzo
Kuroki Haru as Takahama Toshiko
Suzuki Ryohei as Akiyama Shutaro
Kiritani Kenta as Shintaro Matsui
Tasuku Emoto as Tatsukichi Yamagami
Kobayashi Kaoru as Asami

I thought that Kimura Takuya's I'm Home was the best dorama for spring 2015. I was wrong. The best dorama for the season is undoubtedly Tenno no Ryoriban (TNR) aka Emperor's Cook. It portrays the life of Akiyama Tokuzo - the  legendary head chef of Emperor Hirohito. The lead role, Sato Takeru once again proved that he is one of the best young actors in Japan. Together with Kuroki Haru, Suzuki Ryuhei and other perfect casts, Sato Takeru makes Tenno no Ryoriban becomes not only the best but also most heartwarming and inspirative dorama ever. "Never give up on your dream and believe in yourself and love of all the people around you.", I got this line in my mind after watching TNR. If you are really a Jdorama fan, you should not miss this wonderful dorama.

Review, Peeling the Dorama


Based on non-fictional biography novel by Hisahide Sugimori, Tenno no Ryoriban depicts the life of Akiyama Tokuzo. I haven't read the novel but after watching TNR dorama, I begin to search about this great chef in real life. I really wanted to know about him as the result of watching the dorama. Akiyama Tokuzo died in 1976. This dorama successfully portrays Akiyama's life in beautiful way, from his teenage days in early 20th century to his old days when he retires being the emperor's cook in 1972. I found it is funny, sad, warm, encouraging, and emotional while watching this dorama.


The story is started with 15 years old Akiyama Tokuzo who is sent home in drunk condition by 2 monks of a Buddhist temple where Tokuzo has stayed for several months trying to be a monk. It is not the first time Tokuzo failed to become something. He is such an easy bored person who can't stay in one job more than 3 months. He used to tried various jobs, from Kendo instructor, soldier, and even a rice market spectator. He is easyly absorbed in his job but also bored in a short time, 3 months. His older brother - Akiyama Shutaro  who is a diligent law student in Tokyo said that Tokuzo has just yet found something he's interested in, yet found his calling. That is so true, isn't it? When we haven't found our life calling, we'll always be bored and get tired of everything. But, not a lot people struggle for their calling. How about you? Me? I think I haven't found all of it tho. :(

Worrying about their son's condition, Tokuzo's parents makes Tokuzo gets married into Takahama family in Sabae,. He get married with Takahama Toshiko - a soft hearted girl in the same age as him. Not long after his marriage, Tokuzo met  Tanabe Yukichi , a cook of Sabae Army Infantry Regiment who also introduces Tokuzo to culinary world. The western style beef cutlet is a first key for Tokuzo to know his life's calling. With that, his adventure has just begun. The road to the world-class chef, the best chef in Japan, the emperor's cook has started.

Tanabe Yukichi (Hideaki Ito) who introduced Tokuzo to french cuisine
First cutlet that changed Tokuzo's life (Oishii!)

Tokuzo then moves to Tokyo, leaves behind his wife and new family, to get training about western food.  (Frankly, I really do not understand the way he thinks. How could he leave his family without saying nothing?!)  Through his brother's connection, Tokuzo is accepted as an apprentice or kitchen helper in Kazoku Kaikan, a western restaurant for aristochrat in Tokyo. The chef leader who will also next become Tokuzo's teacher is Usami san. Here, Tokuzo also will meet his best friends - Shintaro Matsui who  and Tatsukichi Yamagami - another kitchen helper at Kazoku Kaikan. Here, Tokuzo starts to realize that path toward his dream is a tough and difficult. And, the most important thing  to be a good cook is a sincere heart.   

Tokuzo's first time visiting a western restaurant in Tokyo, (Just after this, he will cut his lips! lol)

Toshiko divorced Tokuzo so he can pursue his dream. (so sad here)

Due to some accident, Tokuzo is fired from Kazoku Kaikan. This makes his family angry and his in law family in Sabae wants him to divorce Toshiko.  Next, he starts to stay and work at Banzai-ken,  a small traditional japanese restaurant. While Tokuzo is busy with his problems, he doesn't realize that his older brother is sick from a serious illness and Toshiko has miscarriage of his baby. Toshiko then divorced Tokuzo, to free him achieving his dream. Never give up of his calling, Tokuzo leaves Tokyo and goes to Paris, France to get more serious training, with support from people around him especially his sick older brother.

 The path toward his dream is not that easy. He must face hardship for being an only Asian in his new workplace. Even, he is called with the nickname 'monkey'. But, with patience and hard work he proves that he has the best talent to be the best cook. Then, he is acknowledged as the first Asian cook who has legal certificate as a professional  cook and work for Ritz Hotel- one of the best restaurant in France. There, Tokuzo works under supervision of the best cook at the time.  Tokuzo's success story makes the Japanese Empire wants to hire him as the Imperial cook. Then, Tokuzo goes back to Japan.

Shshhhh... He's cooking with a very serious expression!

Tokuzo in France (img source: here)

I almost forgot to mention that while in Paris, Tokuzo falls in love with a woman named Francoise. He also meets his best friend Shintaro who is hoping to be a great painting artist there, but fails.

Tokuzo's life as the Imperial cook then begins. His first job is a big success and the story about him becomes the family's pride. His older brother, Shuntaro  dies with a peaceful smile knowing Tokuzo now is a great person. Tokuzo also meets his ex-wife - Toshiko and they starts a new family again. His life as the emperor's cook and head of his family continues. He has 2 sons and 1 daughter. So many things he goes through. The saddest thing is when Toshiko died and leaves him. Soon, he realizes that Toshiko would never leave him. She is always around him wherever she is.

Time passes by and then difficult time has come. It is the war time and post-war. As the country that lost at the war, Japan is in very hard situation. Even, Emperor's situation is in danger. The destiny of the country is on the America's hand. Tokuzo, with all his might, wants to protect the emperor. He does so many things even he must swallow his pride and temper. And, together with colleagues he serves the  emperor and the Japan empire splendidly. Until then, 1972, when he is retired as the emperor's cook.


OMG! I love Sato Takeru so bad. He improves his skill in acting. He portrays the life of a legend cook heartfully. How do I know? I feel it. I feel the warm feeling by watching this dorama. You deserve an award Sato! And Haru is also very good. I don't know why, but I think that she is very good in portraying a good japanese housewife in that era with the low voice, the smile, the attitude, etc. She's a lovely woman. How she devotes her life for her family is really awesome. One more stunning character is Akiyama Shutaro - Tokuzo's nii yan. You will never ask for more for a kind brother like that. I was always cries when the I put my self in Shutaro's side. So sad but beautiful. Suzuki Ryuhei deserves an award too! :D

Suzuki Ryohei as Akiyama Shutaro, a very special character that deserves more attention

I want to mention one by one all of the best casts of this dorama but that seems too much. All I wanna say is that all the casts are awesome. Good job for all of you! Oops,... I need to say that only one cast that I think is not good enough. The cast for Francoise, the French girl who Tokuzo falls in France. How can I say but she's not the type that I can call beautiful or cute or whatever. I'm so sorry, but for me, she's not a good match to SatoTakeru . Or, is it me that got jealous? Lol

How can I not jealous with her!!!

 Setting and Costumes

Nothing to complain. I love both the scenes in Japan or France. Thanks for taking me a walk around Tokyo almost 100 years ago. The main street that shows Tokyo that time and the now condition that shown in ending song is very memorable. Is that the main road near the government building centers? I think I have visited that place in my trip last year. They look similar.

And the costume, ehm... Do you have complaint? Me, not! Maybe because other aspects are good so the detail becomes not a matter anymore. Does it? Or may be, it is really good? I think the last one is the answer. I like the most the women's costumes. I like the kimono or yukata or whatever it like. They are just so cute and girlish. Ahhh... I want to wear it too! Yeah, next time for sure. Hee...

OST and theme song

Awesome! I like the OST and theme song. The music did a really good job in dramatizing the story. Whenever the sad music was played, I was always almost to cry. In the last episode, I cried for along time tho. And the song, Yume Miru Hito sung by Masashi Sada, its lyrics is so meaningful. I love it! It really defines what is the meaning of pursuing a dream and follow the our passion in life. It suits well with Akiyama Tokuzo's life. Well written lyrics, it is!

Check this out! MV for Yume Miru Hito by Masashi Sada

Last but not least ( I think I will add some points to this review in my next free time), I just want to say that this dorama is awesome! Look at my high score for TNR! :D
